Friday 1 June 2012

Fastest Way to Lose Weight Through a Healthy Diet


You may wonder to think that why people are trying to lose weight. To speak the truth people have always tried to get the fastest and efficient way to lose weight. The main reason is that gravitational force is directly proportional to human weight. With the increased weight this attraction becomes higher and then people with increased weight experience difficulties in natural movements such as walking, running, sitting down and climbing. Many of the health industries have several dangerous plans to lose weight fast. People unconsciously feel interest to choose such plans as they get quick weight loss from such plans. But you can get fastest result in a safe and secured way from just a simple healthy diet plan.
There are several great diet plans which can bring significant weight loss results over one year course. A simple mathematical calculation shows that if one of such diet changes can cut 100 calories or more, then the amount becomes 15600 in a year for taking the meal three times a week. This amount is equivalent to almost 5 pounds. Taking another substitution weight loss could be made 10 pounds per year. Here we have listed a few effective diet plans of breakfast, lunch and dinner for you to get fastest weight loss results.
It is a wrong decision to skip breakfast to lose weight. In any healthy weight loss program breakfast is the most important part which aids to rev up the metabolism and energy level to continue work for the whole day. There are several diet plans for breakfast which are found most effective to get fastest weight loss results, and these plans are Homemade Raisin Bran, Balanced Diet Shake, Scrambled White with Greens, Toasted Plain Bagel of Lender with Natural Jam and Frozen Fruit Smoothie which will save 50 calories, 40 calories, 60 calories, 160-360 calories and 200 calories accordingly.
In your weight loss plan lunch gets the second most priority as your daily meal. To boost up the energy level and to regulate the metabolism you need to be careful about your lunch. But it is foolish to have heavy and high caloric food items in your lunch. Most effective lunch recipes to lose weight in a healthy way include Grilled Vegetable Burger that reduces 180 calories, beef sub sandwich that saves 100 calories, Sprouted wheat tortilla that cuts 50 calories, Croutons Toasted Salad that saves 100 calories and Health Valley Chili that saves 200 calories.
A perfect dinner to lose your weight contains low fat and high complex carbohydrates. Here are a few menus that suit the healthy weight loss plan- Pure-lentil bean pasta, Spaghetti squash, Mashed Potatoes and Potato pasta, and by following one of these menus you can save 20 calories to serve 2 ounce, 200 calories, 50 calories and 20 calories accordingly.
Clinical reports show that healthy diet brings significant effects on weight loss than pills or other hazardous processes advised by different health industries. You can make it faster by choosing proper diet menus on you breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I came to know about all these from online research.
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Friday 4 May 2012

Healthy weight-loss diet

Dr Toni Steer, Dr Susan Jebb

A sensible rate of weight loss is around 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) a week. To achieve this, you need an energy deficit of 3,500kcal to 7,000kcal a week, which means eating 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day.
You can do this by replacing high-fat foods with those that are low in fat such as fruit, vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates and lower-fat dairy products, and by being more physically active.
It's also important to watch the size of your portions. This can be difficult, because over time you can lose touch with what's a sensible amount of food.

Meat, fish and alternatives

Meat, fish, eggs and alternatives, such as beans and lentils, provide protein, which is essential for growth and repair. These protein-rich foods, meat in particular, are also good sources of iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins.
Lean sources of protein can also help to curb your appetite. To help reduce the calories you get from fat, remove the skin from chicken, cut off obvious bits of fat from lamb, pork and beef, and use minimum oil for cooking.
Aim to eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines or trout.
You should have two portions of protein-rich foods every day. A portion is equivalent to:
  • Meat and fish the size of a pack of playing cards
  • Two eggs
  • Four tablespoons of lentils or beans

Bread, cereals and potatoes

Starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, potatoes, rice and breakfast cereals, provide us with energy and other nutrients, including iron and B vitamins.
Starchy foods should make up about a third of your total daily energy intake.
Choose unrefined types that are higher in fibre. They'll make you feel full for longer and help to control hunger.
A balanced diet should contain about five portions of starchy foods each day. A portion is equivalent to:
  • Three tablespoons of breakfast cereal
  • One large slice of bread
  • One chapatti
  • Three heaped tablespoons of pasta
  • Two egg-size potatoes
  • Two heaped tablespoons of rice

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and contain many other compounds associated with good health.
Everyone should aim to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in their diet.
Because fruit and vegetables are bulky and contain a lot of water, they can help to control your calorie intake. Aim for at least five portions a day.
A portion weighs about 80g and can include fresh, canned, frozen and dried fruit and vegetables. A portion is equivalent to:
  • Two large tablespoons of vegetables, such as peas, carrots, swede or broccoli
  • Whole fruits, such as one apple, one orange, one pear
  • A handful of grapes
  • Two tablespoons of strawberries or raspberries
  • One small glass of fruit juice
  • A handful of dried fruit

Milk and dairy foods

Foods such as cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are an important source of calcium as well as providing protein and vitamins. Choose low-fat or reduced-fat versions to reduce the amount of calories in your diet.
Aim for around three portions of dairy foods a day. A portion is equivalent to:
  • A medium-size glass of milk
  • A small pot of yoghurt
  • A small matchbox-sized piece of cheese

Foods containing fat and/or sugar

Fatty and sugary foods, such as crisps, spreads, oils, creamy dressings, sweets, cakes, biscuits and chocolate, and sugar-rich drinks, including alcohol, are high in calories but relatively low in nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
Eating healthily means including foods that are packed with nutrients rather than packed with energy.
You should reduce your intake of these foods as much as possible. You can do this by:
  • Swapping sugary and fatty snacks for fruit, diet yoghurt or a slice of wholemeal toast with reduced-fat spread
  • Choosing water, reduced-fat milk or low-calorie drinks instead of sugar-rich drinks
  • Using only a scraping of spread on your bread and using an oil spray to limit fat when cooking
Alcohol contains around 7 kcal per gram. As well as adding calories to your diet, it can stimulate the appetite and weaken your healthy eating intentions.
For more advice on cutting calories, see How to lose weight.

A word about salt

On average, we eat over 50 per cent more salt than the recommended level and more than twice the amount we actually need.
We've become used to eating foods containing salt, so reducing the amount we consume often means adjusting our palates.
A lot of salt comes from processed foods, so look for low-salt varieties and check the salt content on the label. You can also cut salt by:
  • Preparing foods from fresh ingredients as much as possible
  • Avoiding salty snacks, such as crisps and salted nuts
  • Choosing 'unsalted', 'no added salt' or 'reduced salt' foods
This article was published in June 2007.

Healthy Weight Loss & Dieting Tips How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Put a Stop to Emotional Eating Diets, especially fad diets or “quick-fix” pills and plans, often set you up for failure because:

The key to successful, healthy weight loss

Your weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn then you gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.
Since 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound of fat, if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'll lose approximately 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). Simple, right? So why is weight loss so hard?
All too often, we make weight loss much more difficult than it needs to be with extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving, unhealthy lifestyle choices that undermine our dieting efforts, and emotional eating habits that stop us before we get started. But there’s a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. By making smart choices every day, you can develop new eating habits and preferences that will leave you feeling satisfied—as well as winning the battle of the bulge.

Not all body fat is the same

Where you carry your fat matters. The health risks are greater if you tend to carry your weight around your abdomen, as opposed to your hips and thighs. A lot of belly fat is stored deep below the skin surrounding the abdominal organs and liver, and is closely linked to insulin resistance and diabetes.

Getting started with healthy weight loss

While there is no “one size fits all” solution to permanent healthy weight loss, the following guidelines are a great place to start:
  • Think lifestyle change, not short-term diet. Permanent weight loss is not something that a “quick-fix” diet can achieve. Instead, think about weight loss as a permanent lifestyle change—a commitment to your health for life. Various popular diets can help to jumpstart your weight loss, but permanent changes in your lifestyle and food choices are what will work in the long run.
  • Find a cheering section. Social support means a lot. Programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers use group support to impact weight loss and lifelong healthy eating. Seek out support—whether in the form of family, friends, or a support group—so that you can get the encouragement you need.
  • Slow and steady wins the race. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week to ensure healthy weight loss. Losing weight too fast can take a toll on your mind and body, making you feel sluggish, drained, and sick. When you drop a lot of weight quickly, you’re actually losing mostly water and muscle, rather than fat.
  • Set goals to keep you motivated. Short-term goals, like wanting to fit into a bikini for the summer, usually don’t work as well as goals like wanting to feel more confident or become healthier for your children’s sakes. When frustration and temptation strike, concentrate on the many benefits you will reap from being healthier and leaner.
  • Use tools that help you track your progress. Keep a food journal and weigh yourself regularly, keeping track of each pound you lose and inch of your waist lost. By keeping track of your weight loss efforts, you’ll see the results in black and white, which will help you stay motivated.
Keep in mind it may take some experimenting to find the right diet for your individual body. It’s important that you feel satisfied so that you can stick with it on a long-term basis. If one diet plan doesn’t work, then try another one. There are many ways to lose weight. The key is to find what works for you.

Reducing calorie intake promotes weight loss—type of diet isn’t important

A major study concluded that it doesn’t matter which diet program you choose, as long as it is one that reduces your calorie intake and is healthy for your heart (low in saturated fat and cholesterol). In other words, the best diet is the one you’ll stick to, not necessarily the one currently topping the bestseller list.

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #1: Avoid common pitfalls

  • You feel deprived. Diets that cut out entire groups of food, such as carbs or fat, are simply impractical, not to mention unhealthy. The key is moderation. Eliminating entire food groups doesn’t allow for a healthy, well-rounded diet and creates nutritional imbalances.
  • You lose weight, but can’t keep it off. Diets that severely cut calories, restrict certain foods, or rely on ready-made meals might work in the short term. However, once you meet your weight loss goal, you don’t have a plan for maintaining your weight and the pounds quickly come back.
  • After your diet, you seem to put on weight more quickly. When you drastically restrict your food intake, your metabolism will temporarily slow down. Once you start eating normally, you’ll gain weight until your metabolism bounces back—another reason why starvation or “fasting” diets are counterproductive.
  • You break your diet and feel too discouraged to try again. Just because you gave in to temptation doesn’t mean all your hard work goes down the drain. Healthy eating is about the big picture. An occasional splurge won’t kill your efforts. Diets that are too restrictive are conducive to cheating—when you feel deprived, it’s easy to fall off the wagon.
  • You lose money faster than you lose weight. Special shakes, meals, and programs may be cost-prohibitive and less practical for long-term weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.
  • You feel isolated and unable to enjoy social situations revolving around food. Without some practical, healthy diet strategies, you may feel lost when dining out or attending events like cocktail parties or weddings. If the food served isn’t on your specific diet plan, what can you do?
  • The person on the commercial lost 30 lbs. in 2 months—and you haven’t. Diet companies make a lot of grandiose promises. Most are simply not realistic. Unfortunately, losing weight is not easy, and anyone who makes it seem that way is doing you a disservice. Don’t get discouraged by setting unrealistic goals!

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #2: Put a stop to emotional eating

We don’t always eat simply to satisfy hunger. If we did, no one would be overweight. All too often, we turn to food for comfort and stress relief. When this happens, we frequently pack on pounds.
Don’t underestimate the importance of putting a stop to emotional eating. Learning to recognize the emotional triggers that lead you to overeat and respond with healthier choices can make all the difference in your weight loss efforts.
To start, consider how and when you eat. Do you only eat when you are hungry, or do you reach for a snack while watching TV? Do you eat when you’re stressed or bored? When you’re lonely? To reward yourself?
Once you’ve identified your emotional eating tendencies, you can work towards gradually changing the habits and mental attitudes that have sabotaged your dieting efforts in the past.

Strategies to combat emotional eating

  • If you turn to food at the end of a long day, find other soothing ways to reward yourself and de-stress. Relax with a book and a steaming cup of herbal tea, soak in a hot bath, or savor a beautiful view.
  • If you eat when you’re feeling low on energy, find other mid-afternoon pick-me-ups. Try walking around the block, listening to energizing music, or doing some quick stretches or jumping jacks. Another alternative is taking a short nap—just keep it to 30 minutes or less.
  • If you eat when you’re lonely or bored, reach out to others instead of reaching for the refrigerator. Call a friend who makes you laugh, take your dog for a walk, find a fun activity to do, or go out in public (to the library, the mall, or the grocery store—anywhere there’s people).
  • If you eat when you’re stressed, find healthier ways to calm yourself. Try exercise, yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. Better manage stressful situations by either changing the situation or changing your reaction. See related articles below to learn more about stress management.

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #3: Tune in when you eat

We live in a fast-paced world where eating has become mindless. We eat on the run, at our desk while we’re working, and in front of the TV screen. The result is that we consume much more than we need, often without realizing it or truly enjoying what we’re eating.
Counter this tendency by practicing “mindful” eating: pay attention to what you eat, savor each bite, and choose foods that are both nourishing and enjoyable. Mindful eating will help you lose weight and maintain your results.

Mindful eating weight loss tips

  • Pay attention while you’re eating. Be aware of your environment. Eat slowly, savoring the smells and textures of your food. If your mind wanders, gently return your attention to your food and how it tastes and feels in your mouth.
  • Avoid distractions while eating. Try not to eat while working, watching TV, reading, using a computer, or driving. It’s too easy to mindlessly overeat.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Try chewing each bite 30 times before swallowing. You’ll prolong the experience and give yourself more time to enjoy each bite.
  • Try mixing things up to force yourself to focus on the experience of eating. Try using chopsticks rather than a fork, or use your utensils with your non-dominant hand.
  • Stop eating before you are full. It takes time for the signal to reach your brain that you’ve had enough. Avoid the temptation to clean your plate. Yes, there are children starving in Africa, but your weight gain won’t help them.

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #4: Fill up with fruit, veggies, and fiber

To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to eat less food. You can fill up while on a diet, as long as you choose your foods wisely. The key is to add the types of food that can keep you feeling satisfied and full, without packing on the pounds.

Fiber: the secret to feeling satisfied while losing weight

If you want to lose weight without feeling hungry and deprived all the time, start eating foods high in fiber. High-fiber foods are higher in volume, which makes them filling. They also take longer to chew, which makes them more satisfying to eat. High-fiber foods also take a long time to digest, which means you’ll feel full longer. There’s nothing magic about it, but the weight-loss results may seem like it.
High-fiber heavyweights include:
  • Fruits and vegetables – Enjoy whole fruits across the rainbow (strawberries, apples, oranges, berries, nectarines, plums), leafy salads, and green veggies of all kinds.
  • Beans – Select beans of any kind (black beans, lentils, split peas, pinto beans, chickpeas). Add them to soups, salads, and entrees, or enjoy them as a hearty dish of their own.
  • Whole grains – Try high-fiber cereal, oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, whole-wheat or multigrain bread, bran muffins, or air-popped popcorn.

Focus on fruits and veggies

Counting calories and measuring portion sizes can quickly become tedious. But you don’t need an accounting degree to enjoy produce. When it comes to fruit and vegetables, it’s generally safe to eat as much as you want, whenever you want. No measuring cups or calorie tables required.
The high water and fiber content in most fruits and vegetables makes them hard to overeat. You’ll feel full long before you’ve overdone it on the calories.
  • Pour a little less cereal into your morning bowl to make room for some blueberries, strawberries, or sliced bananas. You’ll still enjoy a full bowl, but with a lower calorie count.
  • Replace one of the eggs and some of the cheese in your omelet or scramble with vegetables. Try tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, spinach, or bell peppers.
  • Swap out some of the meat and cheese in your sandwich with healthier veggie choices such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, cucumbers, and avocado.
  • Instead of a high-calorie snack, such as chips and dip, try baby carrots with hummus, a sliced apple, or the old-favorite: celery with peanut butter (just don’t overdo it on the peanut butter).
  • Add more veggies to your favorite main courses to make your dish “go” further. Even dishes such as pasta and stir-fries can be diet-friendly if they’re less heavy on the noodles and more focused on vegetables.
  • Try starting your meal with a low-density salad or soup (just watch the dressings and sodium) to help fill you up, so you eat less of your entrĂ©e.
Don’t love vegetables? You’re probably not preparing them right. Veggies can be delicious and full of flavor when you dress them with herbs and spices or a little olive oil or cheese.

Fruits and vegetables to eat in moderation

Fruits and vegetables of all colors, shapes, and sizes are major players in a healthy diet, but you still need to watch out for the following potential diet busters.
  • Veggies that have been breaded or fried or doused in heavy sauces are no longer low-calorie, so tread with caution. Opt for healthier cooking methods, such as steaming, and use low-fat dressings and spices for flavor.
  • Salads are guilt-free—unless you drench them in high-fat dressing and toppings. By all means, add some nuts or cheese, but don’t overdo it. As for dressing, a little fat is healthy (try a vinaigrette made with olive oil), but again, moderation is key.
  • Dried Fruit. Be careful when it comes to dried fruit, which is high in calories and, often, in added sugar. You can eat a whole lot more fresh fruit for the same number of calories. If you do choose to snack on dried fruit, keep your serving size small.
  • Fruit Juice. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of juice every now and again. But remember that the calories quickly add up, without doing much to make you feel full. Also make sure that your drink of choice is made from 100% fruit juice and contains no added sugar.

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #5: Indulge without overindulging

Try not to think of certain foods as “off limits.”

When you ban certain foods or food groups, it is natural to want those foods more, and then feel like a failure if you give in to temptation. Instead of denying yourself the unhealthy foods you love, simply eat them less often.
If you’ve ever found yourself polishing off a pint of ice cream or stuffing yourself with cookies or chips after spending a whole day virtuously eating salads, you know how restrictive diet plans usually end. You probably blame yourself, but the problem isn’t your willpower—it’s your weight loss strategy. Deprivation diets set you up for failure: you starve yourself until you snap, and then you overdo it, cancelling out all your previous efforts.
In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, you need to learn how to enjoy the foods you love without going overboard. A diet that places all your favorite foods off limits won’t work in the long run. Eventually, you’ll feel deprived and will cave. And when you do, you probably won’t stop at a sensible-sized portion.

Tips for enjoying treats without overeating

  • Combine your treat with other healthy foods. You can still enjoy your favorite high-calorie treat, whether it’s ice cream, chips, cake, or chocolate. The key is to eat a smaller serving of it along with a lower-calorie option. For example, add strawberries to your ice cream or munch on carrot and celery sticks along with your chips and dip. By piling on the low-cal option, you can eat a diet-friendly portion of your favorite treat without feeling deprived.
  • Schedule your treats. We are creatures are habit, and you can use this to your advantage when trying to lose weight. Establish regular times when you get to indulge in your favorite food. For example, maybe you enjoy a small square of chocolate every night after dinner, or a slice of cheesecake every Friday night. Once you’re conditioned to eat your treat at those times—and those times only—you’ll stop obsessing about them at other times.
  • Make your indulgence less indulgent. Find ways to reduce fat, sugar, or calories in your favorite treats and snacks. If you do your own baking, swap out half the butter or oil in the recipe with applesauce, and cut back on the sugar, making up for it with extra cinnamon or vanilla extract. You can also eliminate or reduce high-calorie toppings and sides, like whipped cream, cheese, dip, and frosting.
  • Engage all your senses—not just your taste sense. Instead of chowing down mindlessly, savor and prolong the experience. You can make snack time more special by setting an attractive table, lighting candles, playing soothing music, or enjoying your treat outdoors in a beautiful setting. Get the most pleasure—and the most relaxation—out of your treat by cutting it into small pieces, taking time to smell what you are eating, and by chewing slowly and thoroughly.

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #6: Take charge of your food environment

Your weight loss efforts will succeed or fail based largely on your food environment. Set yourself up for success by taking charge of your food environment: when you eat, how much you eat, and what foods are available.
  • Start the day with breakfast. People who eat breakfast tend to be thinner than those who don’t. Starting your day with a healthy breakfast will jumpstart your metabolism, plus, it will help keep you from binge eating later in the day.
  • Serve yourself smaller portions. One easy way to control portion size is by using small plates, bowls, and cups. This will make your portions appear larger. Don’t eat out of large bowls or directly from the food container or package, which makes it difficult to assess how much you’ve eaten.
  • Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. You will be more inclined to eat in moderation if you have thought out healthy meals and snacks in advance. You can buy or create your own small portion snacks in plastic bags or containers. Eating on a schedule will also help you avoid eating when you aren’t truly hungry.
  • Cook your own meals. Cooking meals at home allows you to control both portion size and what goes in to the food. Restaurant and packaged foods generally contain a lot more sodium, fat, and calories than food cooked at home—plus the portions sizes tend to be larger.
  • Don’t shop for groceries when you’re hungry. Create a shopping list and stick to it. Be especially careful to avoid foods at the ends of the aisles and along the perimeter, where grocers tend to sell high-calorie snack and convenience foods.
  • Out of sight, out of mind. Limit the amount of tempting foods you have at home. If you share a kitchen with non-dieters, store snack foods and other high-calorie indulgences in cabinets or drawers out of your sight.
Soda: The Secret Diet SabotagerSoft drinks are a huge source of calories in many people’s diets. One can of soda contains between 10-12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories, so a few soft drinks can quickly add up to a good portion of your daily calorie intake.

Soda: The Secret Diet Saboteur

Switching to diet soda isn’t the answer either, as studies suggest that it triggers sugar cravings and contributes to weight gain. Instead, try switching to water with lemon, unsweetened iced tea, or carbonated water with a splash of juice.

Healthy dieting and weight loss tip #7: Make healthy lifestyle changes

In addition to your food and eating-related choices, you can also support your weight loss and dieting efforts by making healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep has been shown to have a direct link to hunger, overeating, and weight gain. Exhaustion also impairs your judgment, which can lead to poor food choices. Aim for around 8 hours of quality sleep a night.
  • Turn off the TV. You actually burn less calories watching television than you do sleeping! If you simply can’t miss your favorite shows, get a little workout in while watching. Do easy exercises like squats, sit-ups, jogging in place, or using resistance bands or hand weights.
  • Get plenty of exercise. Exercise is a dieter’s best friend. It not only burns calories, but can actually improve your resting metabolism. No time for a long workout? Research shows that three 10-minute spurts of exercise per day are just as good as one 30-minute workout. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park in the back of the parking lot. Every bit helps.
  • Drink more water. You can easily reduce your daily calorie intake by replacing soda, alcohol, or coffee with water. Thirst can also be confused with hunger, so by drinking water, you may avoid consuming extra calories, plus it will help you break down food more easily.


Smart Tips On How To Eat Healthy Food to Reduce Weight

Eating healthy is not so difficult
It's not rocket science. You don't have to work hard, day and night. You don't need to attend university. You don't need to pay loads of money to your nutritionist but you do need a serious desire to reduce your weight, to feel and look better. All the rest is a matter of being informed and practice. One obstacle consist in the huge number of foods available. How to find your way through this culinary maze? You need a starting point. So, how to eat healthy food? You can start with the following tips.
How to eat healthy food
1. Eat fish
Fish is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids etc. I highly recommend eating 2-3 portions of fish every week. I like very much salmon and I always cook it with vegetables and broccoli. Broccoli is very good at preventing cancer. I don't like to eat smoked or canned fish. Most of the time it is very high in salt. I also like mackerel, tuna and herring. Good for fatty acids like omega-3.
2. Don't turn yourself into salt
There are different complex combinations of ingredients in every food. Knowing how to eat healthy food is an art. Some foods may have more sugar, others more salt or fats or fiber or vitamins. Avoid processed food. Usually they are high in salt. When you think more flavor is needed add vinegar, lemon, herbs or spices. When you buy food, don't forget that most of the salt you eat is already in there and when you eat it your blood pressure can raise. Too much salt and you are in trouble. I eat less than 2000 milligrams per day.
3. Keep a food diary
It's the most important tool for weight loss. It's easier to start with the main meals but in the end you will keep note of everything you eat. You have to be prepared to put a little bit of work if you want to find out how to eat healthy food to reduce weight. This will help you tracking your food. The more you track the more you are aware of your eating habits and you have more power to change them for the better.
4. In the beginning there was breakfast
I keep telling to my friends on and on: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The worst thing you can do is to skip it. This won't help you lose weight. On the contrary. Unbalanced eating habits can make you overweight in no time. There is no use of knowing how to eat healthy food when you don't put it into practice. But when you have breakfast regularly, you will feel more energetic and more alive.
5. Tips on smart snacking
Don't forget to take healthy snacks with you. Always. Choose snacks from all different types of foods but don't snack too much. It can easily become an extra meal. Be smart. Apply your knowledge on how to eat healthy food. A good idea is to make a list of snacks that you know are healthy. There are a lot of options available. Try one of these: low-fat yogurt, fruit, apples, nuts, whole-grain cereal, broccoli, grapes, unsalted popcorn (better without butter), tuna, carrots, cheese, celery sticks, tomatoes, raisins, nuts, wheat-crackers, low-fat milk, vegetables, graham crackers. Hey! Don't eat all the above in the same day.
This is just a starting point
This tips are just a starting point. You need more and various sources of information. Read weight loss magazines, ebooks on nutrition, go to forums and see what other people are talking about. Go to weight loss sites or blogs, find out what experts are saying and discover the necessary tools that you need to identify healthy foods and carefully design your weight loss strategy. Team up with people who are in the same boat with you. Go to weight loss live events or contests. In time you will find out how to eat healthy food to reduce your weight.
Do you want to develop healthy eating habits? Want to live a healthier life? I invite you to find out more tips that can help you develop a healthy living style.Find out more about developing healthy eating habits.
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How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise

Fat Loss via Better Science and Simplicity

It is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we’ll explore what I refer to as the “slow-carb diet”.
In the last six weeks, I have cut from about 180 lbs. to 165 lbs., while adding about 10 lbs. of muscle, which means I’ve lost about 25 lbs. of fat. This is the only diet besides the rather extreme Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) that has produced veins across my abdomen, which is the last place I lose fat (damn you, Scandinavian genetics). Here are the four simple rules I followed…
Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates
Avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.
Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again
The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:
Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor
Chicken breast or thigh
Grass-fed organic beef
Black beans
Pinto beans
Mixed vegetables
Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes. Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping out rice for vegetables, to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the “slow carb” diet.
Most people who go on “low” carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can’t work, but because they consume insufficient calories. A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories! Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.
Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain. I think this is ridiculously inconvenient. I eat 4x per day:
10am – breakfast
1pm – lunch
5pm – smaller second lunch
7:30-9pm – sports training
10pm – dinner
12am – glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed
Here are some of my meals that recur again and again:
Scrambled Eggology pourable egg whites with one whole egg, black beans, and microwaved mixed vegetables
Grass-fed organic beef, pinto beans, mixed vegetables, and extra guacamole (Mexican restaurant)
Grass-fed organic beef (from Trader Joe’s), lentils, and mixed vegetables
Post-workout pizza with extra chicken, cilantro, pineapple, garlic, sundried tomotoes, bell peppers, and red onions
Rule #3: Don’t drink calories
Drink massive quantities of water and as much unsweetened iced tea, tea, diet sodas, coffee (without white cream), or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk, normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. I’m a wine fanatic and have at least one glass of wine each evening, which I believe actually aids sports recovery and fat-loss. Recent research into resveratrol supports this.
Rule #4: Take one day off per week
I recommend Saturdays as your “Dieters Gone Wild” day. I am allowed to eat whatever I want on Saturdays, and I go out of my way to eat ice cream, Snickers, Take 5, and all of my other vices in excess. I make myself a little sick and don’t want to look at any of it for the rest of the week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t down regulate from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. Welcome to Utopia.
If you enjoyed this post, check out my latest book, The 4-Hour Body, #1 New York Times and #1 Amazon bestseller. You will learn: the finer details of the Slow Carb Diet (outlined in the above post), how I gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, how to produce 15-minute female orgasms, and more.
You can also get the Expanded and Updated 4-Hour Workweek, which includes more than 50 new case studies of luxury lifestyle design, business building, reducing hours 80%+, and world travel.

How to Lose Weight Fast With Dietary Modifications


Did you know you can lose body fat fast by making changes to your diet and changing up your daily physical activity? You lose weight by burning fat and calories and by speeding up the body's metabolism. Healthy lifestyle changes mean weight loss can be done safely.
A healthy diet, but low in calories, is very important in order to achieve a successful weight loss. Foods containing all of the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients, are essential to this healthy diet. Foods containing fiber have many health benefits and will help to keep you feeling full and satisfied. A major source of nutrition and fiber are fruits and vegetables, which are also low fat and low calories. Also rich in fiber are whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat bread. Healthy diets also include foods rich in protein. These would be eggs, chicken, lentils, peas and tofu.
Healthy diets also exclude foods high in saturated fats and carbohydrates. These foods to be avoided are fast foods, junk foods, processed foods, sweet desserts and candy.
Also necessary to weight loss is a reduced calorie intake. Your energy intake should not exceed your energy expended. There should be less energy intake over energy expended if loss of weight is to happen. It is important to maintain a low caloric intake although at a healthy level.
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. Drinking lots of water throughout the day will help to keep you feeling full, makes you feel good while exercising, and provides many health benefits to the body.
Eating small meals frequently will benefit those wanting to lose weight fast. It ensures a low caloric content, will satisfy your hunger, and prevents you from overeating while supporting the body's metabolism process.
How to lose weight fast - be more physically active!
You will burn calories and lose weight fast if you exercise and maintain regular physical activity. Exercise for at least 20 minutes twice a day, and do daily anaerobic exercise for 45 minutes. This will burn fat and calories and build and tone muscle. An assortment of exercises can be used to lose weight fast. One excellent exercise method is interval training, which is alternating between slow and fast movements. Walking for 3 minutes and changing up to a brisk run for 1 minute, and then repeating this for at least 25-30 minutes, is an example of interval training.
Aerobic activity is by far the most effective form of exercise, and is the most commonly performed ways to lose weight fast. These exercises are low intensity but take longer to do. Aerobic activity boosts the body's metabolism and helps burn fat; these exercises burn from 300-600 calories per hour. Examples of aerobic exercises include swimming, jogging, cycling and walking.
Healthy lifestyle changes will aid weight loss quickly. Integrate dietary modifications into your lifestyle such as a low calorie diet, and regular physical activity and exercise, and you will burn those calories and lose weight fast.
There are many ways to lose weight fast, and simple easy changes to your already existing nutritional and physical exercise plan alone can truly the magic pill on how to lose weight fast.
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